About Accounting & Bookkeeping

Organisations have transactions that need to be recorded appropriately on a day-to-day basis in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and maintained in order to have a steady financial record.
Bookkeeping reinforces the state of business and helps generate consistency in recording, tracking, compliances, and reporting.

Our Service Offerings

Accounting & Bookkeeping would include:

• Recording of Purchases and Sales
• General Ledger (GL) Accounting
• Fixed Asset Accounting
• Bank and Cash Reconciliations
• Monthly Accounts closing
• Year-end Accounts Finalization and Audit Support

Why Bookkeeping?

Documentation: Bookkeeping lays the foundation for producing financial statements and assists in managing cash flows & tax compliance since they are inextricably linked.

Ease of use: Bookkeeping lessens the tax filing complications and audits. Proper accounting and bookkeeping give management and investors the much-needed precise financial information representing the business’s financial position.
Problem Identification: Bookkeeping helps in identifying problems earlier if any. Precise and consistent bookkeeping allows a business to report and share its financial status and address any issues with the stakeholders.

        How we do?